WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN: The Start of My Bucket List Series

I’m not pretty sure if I chased this goal or the goal chased me. 

The other day, I was thinking to myself that I haven’t watched the sunset in a long long while.  Then, it occurred to me, “Why not add it to my Bucket List.” So, there I was with the first Bucket List Wish and marking the beginning of my Bucket List Series.

 The goal was to not just watch the sunset  but to enjoy it.


The Accidental Wish

 Although I put it in my wish list, I wasn’t really sure when and where I would do it. I wasn’t even sure if I would do it. 

 I happened to look outside my office window and saw the almost-twilight sky. It was 4:30ish.

I gazed at the sun. The sun gazed back at me. Looks were being exchanged. I could feel it staring at me and telling me, “You have got to be kidding me. You ain’t missing the light show that I’m displaying any minute now.” And then, suddenly I became a sunset chaser from a writer. 

 I hurried to the terrace with my camera and was all set to go.


Sunset Venue

 Oh! I was lucky enough that I got to watch it from my office rooftop. Choosing the perfect spot to watch this celestial spectacle is crucial. People end up trekking on high hills to picturesque the perfect view. 

 Well, I too went on a trek to watch the idyllic view, the trek to one floor above me. That would be roughly 24 steps. I could feel the heat in my calves and thighs as I ran upstairs. I could feel the sweat under my skin because it never came out of my sweat glands.


Hues of My Feelings

 The moment was dusky. Orange-red filled the sky and I stood there on the terrace, feeling the breeze on my face. 

 It was chilly but not too chilly to wear warm clothes. I don’t know which was more soothing to the soul, looking at the Temple’s flag fluttering in the wind or the birds in the blue sky. 

 A thought appeared to me while looking at the flight of birds. Even the birds return home after an exhausting search for food. But we hardly return home. Although we go back home, our minds are always somewhere else. We are never really home.  It always wants us to go back to it completely after the exhaustion and long search throughout the day. 

 I also believe, our soul is our home. It wants us to connect to it at the end of the day. To rest in its arms peacefully. 

 I did feel connected to myself. This sunset, a memory that I’ll always cherish.


So, tell me, what’s your favourite Sunset Memory?

Do you too feel lost in the twilight like me? If yes, then I couldn’t be happier for you. If not, don’t forget to take a pause to do the thing you love. 

And oh! I did manage to take a few shots of my sunset experience. Enjoy. 

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